Wednesday 27 July 2011

Third day at Casa Bernabe

Busy day at Casa Bernabe!  Spent the morning doing crafts with the 5-7 year olds who truly enjoyed making butterflies and fortune tellers.  Very attentive group of children and loads of fun!  One little girl, Dulce loved to put marker hearts on my face, arms & legs (see picture).  Thank goodness it's washable!  I might have a hard time with permanent hearts all over my face when I return to work.  Enjoyed watching the boys play some more hockey today.  Next NHL hockey team--Go Guatemalans Go!  Prepared  more crafts to be ready for tomorrow as this seems to be something of real interest to them.  Handed out some things to the toddler home house parent, Amanda, who was very grateful for the items.  There are so many needs here.  Also checked on the wall--wanted to make sure it is still holding up as we did get some rains last night.  The wall is still there & looks good.  Another work crew have put in some more posts today so this should be ready for more cement blocks tomorrow.  This afternoon while watching some of the hockey game the sky grew very grey & thunder rolled in much louder than anything back in NB.  And the light show was something else!  Then the heavy rains came.  Unfortunately I totally forgot my rain jacket at home but I do have a Dollar Store poncho--back at the mission home where we are staying--good place for it.  Hockey was hauled to a stop & most of the children & others came in from the rain storm.  The problem here is that the homes are located around the big community house & some of our group was down at the baby house--many steps up a steep hill so those there had to hike it up in the pouring rain.  We were back at the mission home early and supper at 7, was delicious.  We all seem to be very tired & bedtime comes early here.  In fact last night I was reading when a roommate turned out the lights at 8:50!  Imagine going to bed that early!  However, I did stay in bed (although I woke early) until the alarm rang at 7.  I guess tonight may also be an early to bed night.  Tomorrow is suppose to be a short day at Casa & then we are visiting another orphanage & doing crafts, spending time with children, etc.  Stay tuned...             


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love reading your blog...I was wondering what was on your face in that
