Thursday 21 July 2011

Finally arrived & a great day in Antigua

After some waiting in the Houston airport due to missing the plane, there was another bump in that after taxiing out ready for take off the pilot said he had to return to the airport to have a matter checked out--turns out it was a fire safety light that was not working properly.  So a new part was installed & a little over an hour later, we were back at take off, wonderful flight--free meal & free t.v. (although by this time, too tired to enjoy anything) and the arrival was at approximately11:30 (versus the planned 1:17 p.m.).  I encountered no problems at the airport--probably because I looked so tired & haggered, they felt sorry for me.  Leceta was there for the pick up--having waited all day for various people on the team to arrive--thankfully she was patient in waiting for Elaine & I.  After a relatively good night's sleep & a wonderful breakfast, we went touring around wonderful Antigua.  The donations were picked up this afternoon by ORI missionaries, Dennis & Barbara--filling the back of a truck & the top of a van!  We went to watch the performance of Ninos Con Bendicion and I met my matched child, Carlos.  He gave me a bracelet & calendar of his group & I gave him his backpack and gifts.  Every child seemed exceedly happy and very excited.  Their performance was wonderful!  I even practiced my Spanish.  Thanks to Emily writing out some phrases, I actually didn't do so poorly with pronounciation.  We just returned from having a beautiful meal & I'll be heading to bed soon (it's 10 p.m. here but 1 a.m. back home)--I have to try to catch up on sleep.   Will post some pictures soon...       

1 comment:

  1. So glad to know that you've made it safely to Guatemala after a long trip.
    Stay safe and I'm sure you'll touch the hearts of everyone you meet there.
