Sunday 31 July 2011

Antigua for post service & R & R

It's Sunday & we left the Mission Home around 10 this morning to bus to Antigua.  The Chef at the Mission Home made special crepes this morning for breadfast and they were delicious!   Our hotel in Antigua is wonderful.  It's called Quinta de las Flores and when you look at the front which of course, is gated with a large black metal door, it does not look attractive.  However, behind that door & a long way back, it springs with gardens, water desplays, a pool and accommodations that are wonderful.     Elaine & I are sharing a Garden Room and we have a beautiful bathroom, hot water, facecloths, double beds & it is large.  Much different than how we spent the past week in the Mission Home on bunkbeds (I had a top bunk) & 4 to a room!  The water there was heated by what they refer to as a "widow maker" so rarely did one have a warm shower.  I thoroughly enjoyed my shower before dinner tonight & even stayed longer than I normally would! A great meal tonight at an Italian restaurant --yes in Guatemala!  I did some shopping today and this town was booming with visitors & locals alike.  On Sunday they close off some of the streets so it makes it great for strolling around.  Antigua is a very busy, bustling town.  The streets are all cobblestone & I've learned in Guatemala in general, that stop signs are just a suggestion!  Also, pedestrians here do not have the right of way & after today I think they actually get more for knocking off a Canadian.  One car appeared to stop for us to cross but as I stepped off the curb, the car sped up.  I made it to the other side but Linda almost didn't.  ATM's here have security guards at the door which is much different than at home. And there was a long line up to get funds from the only one with money in it this afternoon.  I haven't taken many pictures today & as it is late & I'm tired & have an early morning tomorrow--8 o'clock bus to the all day Spa--I am closing off for tonight (probably for most it will be Monday when you read this).  I will post some pictures soon of the hotel and Antigua.       

Saturday 30 July 2011

Saturday at Rosa de Amor

Wonderful day at Rosa de Amor!  We were up & on the van at 9 this morning to drive to San Lucas and a visit with the children living at Rosa.  The children are very loving and gave hugs to all upon our arrival.  Then two children grabbed my hands to show me their home.  The only difficulty in the language issue is I said "Si" to alot of comments & I'm not sure if this was the right thing to say!  However, they seemed happy & delighted to take me throughout their home.  Apparently Rosa & the children moved into this new home the first of July and it is a beautiful home and beautiful grounds both out front and int he back.  Every bedroom has a bathroom and the most in each room is 6.  This is a home for 25 children; the youngest, Rosita being the 2 year old daughter of one of the children, Anna.  The oldest is 16.  The oldest boy, Max is 10.  Of course, we introduced hockey to this home as well and had good participation with some very competitive children--both boys and girls.  All had smiles on their faces.  All love having their pictures taken.  One of our team members, Ed gave his camera to Sonya who took over 600 pictures and ran down his camera battery!  However, she is definitely a good photographer!  We had a Pizza party for the children--from Dominoes compliments of one of the donations received which brought many smiles & certainly full bellies!  Cheryl (ORI) made delicious cookies that were also enjoyed by all.  After lunch, the older girls left to attend school--yes school on Saturday!  Apparently it is mandatory for children in the orphanage to attend school so these girls go on Saturday & then they do work at the orphanage all through the week.  The other children attend school through the week (except for the younger ones).  The afternoon was spent playing games with the children.  I gave out the two frisbees I had left but one was quickly aired into the next yard--over the 8 foot fence with barbed wire.  Oh well, someone has a Canada Frisbee!  We played leapfrog (had to teach the children), blob tag, some Spanish hand games--I didn't have a clue what they were saying but they wanted to know my age!  And then the girls wanted to learn how to stand on their heads and do some gymnastics.  I was lead back to the far corner of the back yard to visit "pinky" which turned out to be a dog on the property next door but we could see him through the fence.  One of the boys that took me there was a bit scared & kept saying something I couldn't understand.  The dog seemed harmless & just curled up & layed in the sun.  Lots of pictures & my hope & prayers for this home is that they will be able to stay at this location.  This family has moved at least 4 times in two years--that's a lot of moving when talking about moving 25 children!  We were lucky with the weather today in that it was sunny & nice and only rained/poured when we turned into Fraijanes where we are staying in the mission home.  Then it's been pouring & I mean pouring since--although I think we might be having a break right now.  That's it for today's events...    

Friday 29 July 2011

Friday deliveries & afternoon at Casa Bernabe

Today was a great day!  Went on deliveries with Dennis & one of the many places we dropped off supplies was at Lily's home, known as Amor de Patricia.  Lily's long term goal was to open an orphanage and after working as a teacher, working in an orphanage and after many papers to complete & formalization through the Guatemala government, she finally became licensed and is home to several infants.  The most recent arrived today at the age of 16 months & he had been in the clinic (hospital) for 4 months due to malnutrition.  He looked caucasian but it is believed he has not been outside.  Very much developmentally delayed but from the feel of the love and caring of that home, he will quickly catch up.  The youngest, Henri is 20 days old and was abandoned at birth by his mother.  Patricia was born in February at 2 & a half pounds and Lily drove 3 hours there & back to pick her up when she was ready to leave the hospital.  She has done amazingly well.  Lily has helpers but the care of all the children is certainly a 24/7 undertaking.  She is so friendly & loving & has invited us back anytime!  I can't believe some of the roads we were on today to drop off supplies as there are craters and roads washed out that only a truck like Dennis drives (4W) could get around.  One of the roads was being worked on but the orphanage forgot to call Dennis so we had to turn around & leave their supplies at a church down the road.  After lunch I accompanied team member, Linda & driver Jim on a shopping expedition for a projector and speakers for the school at Casa.  Once back, Linda and the teacher (the principal is out sick) set up the equipment and pictures were taken.  While the equipment was being set up the boys filed into the classroom very curious even though school was out for the day.  Happy teacher & happy boys!  I then spent time sorting the crafts and taking to various homes at Casa to use after we leave (today is our last day there).  Also watched Guatemala fav sport--Hockey!  Played with some kids.  Gave out some of the candy necklaces to a teen & then 3 year old, Mariella & I swung on the swing.  She dozed off & stayed in my arms until the bus arrived at the end of the day.  Wonderful children & a great day all around!        

Thursday 28 July 2011

4th day of service week

This morning we spent at Casa Bernabe and I spent time with the toddlers as the older children were in school today.  Yesterday's PD day is over & it's back to the school grind again.  I gave the Barrel of Monkeys to a little guy & had a group of toddlers color some giant Dora pictures.  I also was able to have a picture taken with the toddlers whose home received Gina's wonderful VHS tapes.  They were absolutely delighted and loudly said "Gracias" and "Thank You".  So Gina (my co-worker) this is for you!  After this it was a slow time until we left at 11:45.  There are many volunteers with ORI & others so the wall is being worked on by others and even those with the children are doubled up & more.  There is a house parent at Casa working with 15 boys, ages 12-18 who in her "free" time makes beautiful jewelry.  So I purchased some items from her.  She seems very committed to the boys & I had a chance to ask her about how it is being parent to 15 boys!  She said "busy".  She said the older boys help her a great deal as the younger ones want to play fight & then it leads to real fights so this keeps her busy.  She said in general they are good boys--just busy.  They enjoy football (our soccer) & the home has trophies adoring it as well as many pictures of the family.  I enjoyed my time spent with her.  This afternoon after a long bus ride--there was a protest from teachers possibly going on strike and so the long line up of traffic meant we were over an hour later getting to the next orphanage--Home of Angels.  This is a very nice home run by nuns.  The children were overly friendly & it was as though they have known us forever.  I have to wonder if this is good or bad?  I'll leave that thought.  Anyway, they were very fun as they were interested in crafts--placemat weaving and bead bracelets and the older girls participated in a game of hockey.  Boy are they aggressive players!  Perhaps there will be a girls Guatemalan NHL team!  It rained again today for approximately 2 hours but is now clear again.  The air changes rapidly after the rain so sweatshirts are a must.  The rain does not dampen the spirits of the children or the team and we keep plugging away at various things.  Pictures today will show some of the adventures we've had.  Tomorrow is a new day...          

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Third day at Casa Bernabe

Busy day at Casa Bernabe!  Spent the morning doing crafts with the 5-7 year olds who truly enjoyed making butterflies and fortune tellers.  Very attentive group of children and loads of fun!  One little girl, Dulce loved to put marker hearts on my face, arms & legs (see picture).  Thank goodness it's washable!  I might have a hard time with permanent hearts all over my face when I return to work.  Enjoyed watching the boys play some more hockey today.  Next NHL hockey team--Go Guatemalans Go!  Prepared  more crafts to be ready for tomorrow as this seems to be something of real interest to them.  Handed out some things to the toddler home house parent, Amanda, who was very grateful for the items.  There are so many needs here.  Also checked on the wall--wanted to make sure it is still holding up as we did get some rains last night.  The wall is still there & looks good.  Another work crew have put in some more posts today so this should be ready for more cement blocks tomorrow.  This afternoon while watching some of the hockey game the sky grew very grey & thunder rolled in much louder than anything back in NB.  And the light show was something else!  Then the heavy rains came.  Unfortunately I totally forgot my rain jacket at home but I do have a Dollar Store poncho--back at the mission home where we are staying--good place for it.  Hockey was hauled to a stop & most of the children & others came in from the rain storm.  The problem here is that the homes are located around the big community house & some of our group was down at the baby house--many steps up a steep hill so those there had to hike it up in the pouring rain.  We were back at the mission home early and supper at 7, was delicious.  We all seem to be very tired & bedtime comes early here.  In fact last night I was reading when a roommate turned out the lights at 8:50!  Imagine going to bed that early!  However, I did stay in bed (although I woke early) until the alarm rang at 7.  I guess tonight may also be an early to bed night.  Tomorrow is suppose to be a short day at Casa & then we are visiting another orphanage & doing crafts, spending time with children, etc.  Stay tuned...