Monday 1 August 2011

Antigua & Santa Teresita -- The greatest SPA!

Well it's Monday & of course NB Day but today I celebrated ME and had the greatest spa day!  After the work last week & the stress of everything, today was great right from the moment Leceta woke me at 7--my alarm was set for 7:15.  9 of us attended Santa Teresita which is in the town of Amatitlan.  This beautiful spa is surrounded by impoverished conditions but once I entered the doors it was like walking into a dream land.  The first item was to don our bathing suits & enter into a 105 degree pool, switching after 10 minutes to a 75 degree--Ouch!  That's cold!  And then back to 98, 88, to 105 & back to the cold pool.  Then we moved into the jacuzzi and the steam bath--of course, I did both and back into the jacuzzi with a strawberry/banana smoothie.  Next was picking out the oils for our massages & we were escorted to our rooms.  The only thing is they teams up 2 or 3 together in the same room with separate people doing the massages.  I was teamed up with Leceta & we quickly became very close!  I guess that's what being a team is all about!  We were pampered with a coffee/cocoa rub & wrapped in plastic & towels for 20 minutes, complete with cucumbers on our eyes.  I fell asleep for a power nap!  Then the women entered into the room again and after unwrapping us, we were escorted to a shower to wash off the coffee grinds.  I acutally look as though I had a nice dark brown tan!  After this part, we were taken back into the room & given the most heavenly 50 minute massage (sorry Monica).  I was so relaxed.  After this experience, it was almost 2 & we went back upstairs to the pools to enjoy some more time in the heated pools and they served us lunch.  Wonderful!  We headed back to Antigua & the hotel arriving back around 4.  Now just waiting for the group to join for supper at 7/7:30 & I'm sure it will be another great meal & time together.  Meals are very reasonable.  For instance lunch today--similar to our chicken burger & fries--shouldn't have had them & a water--was 62 Qs which is around $8.  Sometimes evening meals which are very good & large meals cost between 120 or 150 Qs & that is very cheap.  Conversion is approximately 8 Qs for $1.  Supper tonight was at Meson Panze Verde & it was delicious.  16 of us went out & enjoyed a wonderful meal.  I  had Thai Stir Fry with chicken & it was very good.  I don't have many pictures of the spa day because I was too busy relaxing!  But I have posted a few of the hotel and some of the spa area.  Hope you enjoy!        

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