Tuesday 2 August 2011

Tuesday at Funda Ninos

This morning looked as though it would be a gloriously sunny day and I took more pictures around Quintas de las Flores, our hotel.  The gardens here are beautiful & well maintained as they require daily work.  At 11 this morning, I headed out with a group of 9 to visit another orphanage--Funda Ninos, which is a favourite of Kaleah's, the daughter of team leader, Leceta.  Kaleah had taken the teens on our tgeam to Funda Ninos last week & when she asked if I would like to go, I thought it would be a good chance to see her first love and the children who are deeply embedded in her heart. She & some of the teens had done a bit of shopping for cereals, pineapple and chocolate milk mix to take along and a pizza party was planned for noontime.  After a bit of a long drive due to road construction--another wash out that was being repaired we arrived at the gate, behind which is a beautiful property complete with a school, baby house, girls house, boys house and a common house which is a kitchen & eating center for all.  We visited the baby house as the others were at school until 1:30 and it was obvious the teens who visited last week had a connection to the youngsters.  This home is run by an 18 year old girl who started there when she was 16.  She has helpers but it is quite a feat for a young girl, having the youngest 3 months to 4 years old.  Once the pizza arrived (from Dominoes), some of the children filtered into the kitchen/eating hall & Linda & I handed out 20 very large pizzas to the children, workers, teachers and had a very happy, appreciative group.  What was obvious about this home compared to others visited & especially our assigned orphanage last week, the children here warm up very quickly, crave attention, being held and hugged.  It is clear that the children here, although cared for in terms of food and shelter, are craving affection and attention.  While serving up the last of the pizza, Emily (team member) came up to the serving station with a young boy--Ally who reached out his little hands for me to take him.  Of course, I gladly embraced the opportunity and he spent the next while eating pizza I cut up for him and feeding some to me!  Once pizza was gone, I walk out to the eating area with Ally & as he was heavy, I tried to put him down but he quickly indicated he wanted up--he wanted hugs & cuddles.  After a bit, I was able to hand him back to Emily and then I ask the cook (who stayed in the kitchen preparing supper?) if I could help clean up the dishes.  Even though my Spanish is limited, she understood the meaning & her face lit up & she quickly brought out the soap & what they use for cloths (wish I had brought some of my knitted ones with me).  Having no hot water and no plug to put in the sink this task seemed so foreign to me.  However, I managed & before long two girls joined in to help--Maribel who is 15 and speaks some English, told me she has a baby who turns 2 in December--she later showed me Luis.  She seemed so young as did the other girl who's name I didn't catch.  However, considering they are 15 and have possibly seen and been through what most 15 year olds will never know or encounter, it is little wonder they are so immature and stuck in he 10/11 year old mold.  All of the children--both boys and girls and young & old have so many needs and wanted hugs & cuddles.   We visited the school and saw the set up and the library that the Fitts had decorated & dedicated in memory of their 2 year old relative who died.  Linda gave books to the Director and handed out hearts which children at her school had drawn & colored to the children at Funda.  |During lunch and for most of the afternoon, it poured a torrential rain, limiting any outside activities.  But all seemed happy!  Many pictures (slow uploading tonight so I will do this in the morning) and a great afternoon!  Thanks Kaleah for sharing your special home!                       

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